With Norex dead, Yon-Rogg departed with Starforce to find Mar-Vell's Laboratory. Yon-Rogg asked if Vers knew the truth about her past, and when Norex only smiled, Yon-Rogg took a minute before turning and shooting Norex a second time, killing him.

As Norex' Skrull form was revealed, he told Yon-Rogg that he was too late to catch his allies from departing on the Quadjet. When Norex hesitated to answer a question about Vers' Kree blood transfusion, Yon-Rogg deduced his Skrull identity, and shot Norex with his Kree Pistol. To test that he wasn't a Skrull, Yon-Rogg quizzed Norex about Vers' past, asking what her earliest memories were. Norex attempted to persuade Yon-Rogg by proclaiming out Vers' code, but he dismissed it, saying that the tactic of using codes had been deemed futile. The next day, Norex was confronted by Yon-Rogg, stalling for time while disguised as Vers. Norex tricks Yon-Rogg into thinking he is Vers He volunteered to stay and become a decoy by disguising himself as Danvers, while the real Danvers, Talos, Fury and Rambeau, as well as Goose depart to find Mar-Vell’s hidden laboratory outside Earth's atmosphere. Once the negotiation became a success, with Danvers regaining her true memories, Norex helped in repairing the damaged Quadjet and retrofitting Skrull technology inside it so it could travel in space, while Talos and their human allies prepared to venture to Mar-Vell's Laboratory. Norex retrofits the Quadjet for space travel agent Nick Fury that they did not mean hostile intent and that they were offering an alliance, explaining to them that they were refugees on the run from the Kree. The two successfully persuaded their to-be human allies, including S.H.I.E.L.D. Norex disguised himself as Maria Rambeau in an attempt to stall her daughter Monica from discovering they were Skrulls. Later, Norex accompanied Talos to a homestead in Louisiana. While Norex departed with Talos to further assimilate themselves into the bulk of human society, their Skrull comrades located Vers and engaged in a chase with a S.H.I.E.L.D. To blend in with the rest of the beach, Talos and the Skrulls simmed several human surfers. While familiarizing themselves with their surroundings, Norex and the Skrulls were given orders by Talos to locate Vers. The four pods carrying Norex, Talos and two other Skrulls crash-landed in the Atlantic Ocean, on the coast of California, and later emerged at a beach during a sun-sprawling morning in Los Angeles. Norex and the Skrulls arrive in Los Angeles When she staged an escape and fought the Skrull occupation on the ship, Norex, Talos and two other Skrulls took space pods to Planet C-53 in pursuit. He stood alongside Talos while he was accessing her memories, hoping to find information regarding the Light-Speed Engine. Norex was present on the Skrulls' flagship, after Talos captured Vers in an Ambush in Torfa. However, Norex was unable to complete this mission as he had not thought that the laboratory could actually be in orbit around a planet instead of being a physical facility on the surface of said planet. Norex worked for the Skrull general Talos as his chief science officer, and was tasked with finding Mar-Vell's Laboratory, in which Talos hoped to find unparalleled technology the Skrulls could use to escape from the Kree. Are you hoping Hollywood stays away from a Captain Planet movie? Who was your favorite Planeteer? Let us know in the comments below.Norex was a Skrull scientist who, like the rest of his people, was forced into exile when the Kree Empire attacked and destroyed their home planet, causing the Skrulls to scatter across the galaxy.
#Captain planet marvel movie
We may still be a few years away from a Captain Planet movie (if we ever get one at all), so for now he's little more than a fun piece of '90s nostalgia. Until that happens, we’ll just have to make do with Don Cheadle's hilarious take on the character from the folks over at Funny or Die. Last we heard, Sony was deep into negotiations to acquire the film rights and get a live-action take into production as soon as possible. A couple of the almost-films - like the adaptation Warner Bros attempted to get off the ground in the late '90s - reached design stages before falling apart. Beginning in 1996, various incarnations of the film have been discussed, with many being envisioned as a darker, more adult take on the material. Rumors have swirled about the possibility of Captain Planet headlining his own live-action film for almost as long as the characters have been around.